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Creator=Marco Bellocchio
directed by=Marco Bellocchio
synopsis=Il traditore is a movie starring Pierfrancesco Favino, Luigi Lo Cascio, and Fausto Russo Alesi. The real life of Tommaso Buscetta the so called "boss of the two worlds", first mafia informant in Sicily 1980's
Fausto Russo Alesi
2hour 25min
Az elsie arulo free watch online. Az elsie arulo free watch download. Watch Az elsö áruló movie vf Part 1 AZ eLsö áruló Watch Az elsö Online Tribute Az elsö áruló For Online Full HD. Az"elsö"áruló"Whose. Az elsie arulo free watch video. Az elsie arulo free watch movie. Az elsie arulo free watch 2. I've seen a lot of movies about mafia and Aldo about Buscetta (I Giudici by Ricky Tognazzi) and this is the best of recent Times. Favino is quite better than Al Pacino and in the Brazil scenes you can smell Drug and music. Everyone has, of course, heard of the mafia but what and who these people are, remains hidden behind lurid headlines and sensational films.
The Traitor offers an insight into who these people really are, their motivations, ambitions and the structure of the organisation, headed by a commission.
What becomes clear is how tribal, loosely cohesive at best and brutal this group is. It underscores too, the fragility, of the judicial system in Italy. Law enforcement and judges intimidated by these groups and politicians potentially collaborating with them. Small wonder they became so powerful.
This film is inherently interesting, made more so by stellar performances, that are simple and honest. There is no pretension here, just an insight into the troubled and tortured life of a man who decided to expose the vicious criminal organisation he once served.
One notable downside is because of the breadth of ambition of this film, covering decades, it can be difficult to follow at times. Making the viewer work to keep up with what happening to who, when and why.
Nonetheless compelling viewing. 7/10 from me.
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Az elsà Ãruló Free. Az elsie arulo free watch movies. Az elsie arulo free watch 2016. Az elsö áruló Free watching. Az elsà Ãruló Free watch the trailer. The last film of Marco Bellocchio is the portrayal of Tommaso Buscetta, a former member of Italian mafia who brake ' omerta' and became an informant. Moreover, through Buscetta's life we can see the Italian mafia history during 60's-80's.
As I was a bit dissapointed from Bellocchio's latest works I didn't expect to see a great movie, but in the end I was amazed both from the direction and the plot line. Some scenes of the movie are a real masterpiece and although it lasts 2,5 hours you don't get tired or bored.
Outstanding acting by Pierfrancesco Favino, he's perfect on his role.
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